Is getting my Certified Scrum Master (CSM®) worth it?

This is the key question most people need to answer before deciding to take a Certified Scrum Master (CSM) course.

What everyone wants to know is “will this really benefit my career?”

In short, yes, it will. 

But even though you may feel the course will benefit you, there are still some common objections that may be roadblocks to committing to the CSM course. Some of these are:

  • It is comparably expensive (when looking at less rigorous Scrum training programs).
  • It is inconvenient to leave work for 2 full days (or more, if traveling to the training).
  • It cannot be completed online.

And when looking at the value of this training and certification there are a handful of common questions:

  • Isn’t Scrum simple enough? Why do I even need this course?
  • Why take a Scrum Alliance certified course when there are cheaper, quicker options?
  • I am already a PMP, why do I need this certification too?

Anyone considering taking their Certified Scrum Master course with Innovel will need to answer these questions. Read on, we’ve made the homework easy for you. And if you still are wondering, just drop us a note and we’ll be happy to address anything else you need to know.

Why does the Certified Scrum Master (CSM) course cost more than some other courses?

The Certified Scrum Master® (CSM), by Scrum Alliance, is the most widely recognized certification in Agile and Scrum. The Certified Scrum Trainers® (CST) in the Scrum Alliance include the inventor of Scrum and many thought leaders who pioneered Agile principles and practices.

One of the reasons for its success is that the Scrum Alliance sets a very high bar to become a CST. Setting a high bar for the trainers the Scrum Alliance ensures participants have an excellent learning experience. Trainers must have substantial real world experience implementing Scrum in multiple organizations, and share stories from these experiences in the training. They must be excellent at both doing and teaching.

Why is the Certified Scrum Master (CSM) 2 full days in person and not online?

There are key reasons why this training will never be offered online. Learning a new way of working involves questioning, discussing, trying out ideas and learning from experiences with other participants. Participants learn the principles of Scrum by working in teams, and gain confidence by solving problems together. Participants can bring up questions that relate to their current work situation and have them answered and receive advice by someone who likely has dealt with that same issue in the past. While people will not retain everything covered in the course, they retain the memory of the experience, the framework, and the confidence to try it.

Isn’t Scrum simple enough? Why do I need this course?

There are many ways to learn, there are many books and videos on Scrum, there is the Scrum Guide available for free online, and there are meetups on Scrum and Agile in many cities. We recommend using all these resources. Do you need the CSM to do Scrum? No, just as you don’t need a music teacher to learn to play music. Students who know Scrum and have been doing it for a while and attend my Certified Scrum Master course still find it beneficial. They often find new ideas and different perspectives on implementing Scrum. They gain clarity on previously unclear ideas and contribute to the class by sharing their experiences. They learn new techniques and ideas they can try in their organization.

I am already a PMP. Why should I get my CSM?

As a project manager you have learned a certain way to fulfill your role. Implementing Scrum to run projects is fundamentally different then the ideas presented in the PMBOK. By taking your CSM you will learn a very different and far simpler and more practical framework to manage projects. By getting your CSM you are demonstrating to potential employers that you are flexible and have more then just one way to help them organize and deliver projects and products. Demand for the PMP in IT and software development is in decline, since most organizations are moving towards Agile and Scrum to manage the work. A CSM can help you make the transition.

So, will taking the Certified Scrum Master course really benefit my career?

There are distinct trends affecting most industries today that lead all answers to YES.

We’d love to hear your feedback or answer any other questions you may have. Just drop us a note at Or, if you are ready to sign up for any public Certified Scrum course visit our Public Courses information page.


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